Support our cultural events, Indigenous artists and ASL interpreters!

Your investment helps provide free programing so everyone has access!

Support our cultural events, Indigenous artists and ASL interpreters! image

Invest in accessible cultural events, Indigenous artists & ASL interpreters.

Traditional Navajo Weaver, Emma Dixon (Diné) at the August IndigenousWays Festival 2024, 2023 & 2022

What is life without dreams? We all need support in order to thrive and continue to believe in our visions - especially when it comes to arts and music! Materials, resources, and a platform can be challenging for up-and-coming artists to access, to then market, sell, and earn an income.

IndigenousWays' goal for artists and presenters is for them to have doorways via networking, festivals, podcasts and more to pursue their hopes and dreams.

IndigenousWays understands that our beloved underserved communities and families we serve, don't often have the means to take themselves and their loves to music and art events, hence, the importance of our series being FREE to the public. We also provide ASL interpreting services so access is available to all. No one is left behind!

You can support us by donating to our 2024 The Arts Campaign throughout this year. Your donation will support these voices to be heard and seen to keep our cultures alive and our mental health shining, through our programs - the IndigenousWays Festivals and the IndigenousWays Wisdom Circle.

Help us continue to grow and provide FREE cultural arts and resources to our communities.

James Wooden Legs (Deaf Northern Cheyenne elder) Opening Blessings - August IndigenousWays Festival 2024

Regina Blye (Black & Person Living with Paralysis) Christopher And Dana Reeves Foundation presenter - August IndigenousWays Festival 2024

Theresa Montoya - Face Painting vendor - IndigenousWays Festival 2024

Summer Crider (Deaf) and Mariah Garcia (Indigenous) on stage ASL interpreters - June IndigenousWays Festival 2024

Simona (Latina, Indigenous) IAIA graduate student, musician fashion designer with fashion models - August IndigenousWays Festival 2024

Devin Baldwin and Santa Fe County team vendors - August IndigenousWays Festival 2024

3 time US National poet laureate, author and musician, Joy Harjo (Msvokoke) and Larry Mitchell and band with ASL interpreter Cres Garcia - August IndigenousWays Festival 2023

Grammy Award winning singer and flutist, Robert Mirabal (Toas Pueblo) and band - May IndigenousWays Festival 2023

Academic, Hip Hop artist and motivational speaker, Dr. Lyla June (Diné/Chyenne) - June IndigenousWays Festival 2023

Hip Hop artist G Precious (Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo) at the June IndigenousWays Festival 2024

IAIA student, Simona Rail and band at the May IndigenousWays Festival 2024

ASL interpreter, Mariah Gracia

Free children's activities including Face Painting & Wise Fool circus workshops

Audiences at the IndigenousWays Festival series

IndigenousWays Festival - September VideoNative American reggae rock band, Innastate with ASL interpreters Zoel Ybarra and Anna McMillan at the September IndigenousWays Festival 2022

IndigenousWays Festival - July videoYouth and Adult Circus Activities Worship by Wise Fool New Mexico at the all of the IndigenousWays Festival

IndigenousWays Festival - September videoAudiences and vendors at the IndigenousWays Festival

IndigenousWays Festival - July videoFamilies attending the IndigenousWays Festival

IndigenousWays Festival - June videoAudiences at the IndigenousWays Festival

IndigenousWays Festival - September video Opening ceremony by James WoodenLegs (Deaf Northern Cheyenne) IndigenousWays Festival

Photo credits to Kerry Kehoe & Willa Shalit

IndigenousWays Guidestar